
As part of your health care, Saskatoon Medical Imaging stores and maintains numerous medical, billing, and other related records containing private information about you. Personal information includes your name, address, phone number, and personal health number. Medical information includes your medical history, insurance coverage, or information from other doctors, nurses or medical providers.

We are deeply committed to protecting your privacy. Our goal is to take appropriate steps wherever possible to ensure we safeguard any medical or other personal information that you provide to us.

We are also cognizant of how we communicate with our patients. Due to the insecure nature of e-mail, we do not use email as a means of communication with the public or patients:

  • Regarding questions or issues of a medical nature

  • To establish physician/patient relationships

  • To book or cancel appointments

  • For inquiries regarding fees, services or similar matters

We will not respond to email communications regarding such matters. If you wish to contact us regarding medical questions or issues or with regard to appointments, accounts or other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone at 306.477.1000 or fax 306.477.1071 or by mail at

Saskatoon Medical Imaging
3 – 3110 8th Street East
Saskatoon, SK. S7H 0W2